Participants at Group Wise discussion session
Orientation on Monthly on Job Coaching on Pregnancy and Contraception was Arranged Today
Today on 30 March 2023, regular based on job coaching for project staff on Pregnancy and Contraception was arranged under OLHF Project at Cluster NGO Office Progressive, Rangamati Hill District. The half day long program was facilitated by Project Officer cum Trainer, Nijhum Chakma from WEAVE and Master Trainer, Master Trainer, Rimi Chakma from BNPS. The program was arranged at meeting room of Progressive from 10 am to 2 pm. Participants of the event were all the POcTs, LAOs of four CSOs in Rangmati and PMEO of Progressive. Three Project Facilitators- PF and Lobby & Advocacy Officer from Taungya joined the orientation program.

Participants at group works
Project Facilitators of Taungya will conduct the same session to the 30 Girls’ Club Mentors at their respective upazila (Bagheisori, Borkol and Bileisori) in the next week. The Mentors will then facilitate the session at their respective Girls’ Clubs by April 2023. Ultimate target participants of the session is 1198 adolescent girls and young women of 30 Girls’ Clubs in three upazila (10 clubs in each upazila)
The core objective of the sessions is to share knowledge on the topic that will improve knowledge level of the participants and improve their lives as per vision of the project.
Session Contents:
- What are Pregnancy and contraception?
- The process of Pregnancy
- Prevention of unwanted pregnancy
- The symptoms of pregnancy
- The risk of unwanted pregnancy in early marriage and early age
- The Pregnancy problem
- The role of gender and the belief of family and friends in influencing women in pregnancy
- The taboos of pregnancy
- Health management and medical treatment during pregnancy
Session Methods: Group work, discussion and question-answer.

Group work